
Injured hawk rescued by cops on Brooklyn sidewalk

An injured hawk was rescued by cops Wednesday after the bird ventured onto a Brooklyn sidewalk, police said.

A group of passersby initially surrounded the ailing bird — whose foot and leg appeared to be injured — in front of 50 Court Street in Brooklyn Heights.

When cops arrived just after 6 p.m. they caged the Hawk, who was then taken to a bird sanctuary to recover.

Last February, another wayward hawk on a sidewalk in Manhattan’s Financial Distrisct had to be rescued by the NYPD.

Brooklyn resident, Madeleine Weatherhead, spotted that bird on Front Street while heading to work about 10 a.m.

Weatherhead tweeted a photo of the hawk to animal groups including the Upper West Side’s non-profit Wild Bird Fund, who in turn tagged the NYPD First Precinct.

Cops corralled the bird into a crate and took it to the Wild Bird Fund for treatment.