
De Blasio says he qualifies for first 2020 debate

Mayor Bill de Blasio says he made the cut for the first Democratic presidential candidates’ debate later this month.

The long-shot 2020 contender said Wednesday that he received a text from DNC Chair Tom Perez confirming his participation.

“We’re waiting for the 100% final calculation tomorrow, but every projection that we’ve gone through has me in on the basis of six national polls that put me on the minimum level,” the mayor said at an unrelated Manhattan press conference.

“From my understanding there’s a group of candidates who do not have that,” de Blasio said about the polling threshold.

There are spots for 20 candidates out of the crowded field of 24 at the first round of debates over two nights on June 26 and 27 in Miami.

The DNC is expected to announce the final cut Thursday evening and NBC will release the lineup on Friday.