
Trump meets with Farage during London trip

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage huddled with President Trump at the US ambassador’s residence in London on Tuesday — and said the president is fully on board with England leaving the European Union.

“Clearly, it was a private meeting but what I can say is he was in top form,” Farage said in an interview with a London radio station.

“He absolutely believes in Brexit, thinks it’s the right thing for the country to do. He’s obviously concerned it’s taking a very long time.”

That delay has made Trump “very interested” in who becomes the next prime minister, Farage said.

At a joint news conference with outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump predicted a Brexit deal would eventually be approved.

“I would think that it will happen and it probably should happen. This is a great, great country and it wants its own identity,” Trump said. “I believe it would be good for the country.”

Trump also phoned Boris Johnson, the pro-Brexit former foreign secretary and leading contender to replace May, to invite him to the ambassador’s residence.

But Johnson turned down the offer because he was preparing for a political event.

The president has put his weight behind Johnson to replace May, who is stepping down on Friday after failing to get Parliament to sign off on a Brexit deal.

“I actually have studied it very hard. I know the different players. But I think Boris would do a very good job. I think he would be excellent. I like him. I have always liked him,” the president told The Sun.

Trump and First Lady Melania Trump stayed ambassador’s residence, Winfield House, during their stay in London.