US News

Was this cough at Tampa City Council meeting really a vulgar insult?

What we do know for sure: There was a cough.

What we don’t know for sure is whether there was a little something extra at the end of it.

A routine Tampa City Council meeting last Thursday has become a topic of debate. Not about policy, but whether legislative aide Carrie Henriquez said a vulgar word at the tail end of a cough as she walked behind the man who defeated her husband last month to head the board.

She told the Tampa Bay Times that she was sick. She said it was a cough and nothing more.

Still, the sound caught the attention of Luis Viera, the new chairman, who reportedly asked, “Did she just say something?”

There was a rumor that the city was investigating.

“If the City were investigating such a matter, we would not comment nor would there be any public records to release during an active investigation,” a spokeswoman said.

Her boss told the paper that he thought he heard her say the “a-word,” but when he confronted her, he said, she looked at him like he was “crazy.” He gave the situation some more thought and considered popular songs where lyrics are misheard.

“I can be salty sometimes,” she told the paper. “But I would never do anything to jeopardize the council member’s reputation or my husband’s good name.”