
That ‘no texting while walking’ bill is even worse than you think

State Sen. Tim Kennedy (D-Buffalo), who chairs the Transportation Committee, vows that the no-texting-while-walking bill “will not be seeing the light of day.” But it’s all too telling that he even has to pour ice water on this idiocy.

Cops already have more than enough on their hands, for starters. And outlawing bad manners is un-New York, if not outright un-American.

Yet this isn’t even the first time Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-Bklyn) has introduced this bill, just the first time state Sen. John Liu (D-Queens) has joined in.

The real lesson is that state legislators have way too much time on their hands, since they spend most of their time in the Capitol, waiting around until the leadership hands them something to vote on. As the adage goes: Idle hands do the devil’s work.