
Trump to announce immigration plan in Rose Garden address

WASHINGTON — President Trump is set to announce his administration’s immigration plan Thursday, which has little hope of getting through a divided Congress.

The president will give a speech in the Rose Garden.

The plan was put together by the president’s son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller, the administration’s most prominent hardliner on immigration reform.

Bloomberg reported Wednesday that the plan includes wall funding — the very issue that prompted a government shutdown earlier this year — without enticements for Democrats like granting legal status to so-called “Dreamers.”

The plan places immigrants’ skills above family ties to the U.S.

It also overhauls the asylum process, which is meant to ease the crush of migrants coming over the U.S. border, which have created a large backlog for immigration courts.

Kushner and Miller presented the plan to GOP senators on Tuesday.

“I think folks in the room were underwhelmed,” a senior GOP official told CNN.

Trump’s plan comes one day after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) — one of the president’s top Congressional allies — introduced a piece of legislation to tackle the migrant problem as well.