
First photo of 3-year-old tragically mowed down by van driver

This is the 3-year-old boy who was tragically killed Wednesday when a candy delivery van slammed into him on a Brooklyn street corner.
Little Emur Shavkator, who was on a lime-green scooter in the crosswalk, appears in a family photo wearing adorable dinosaur pajamas and looking up at the camera with a slight smile.

Behind him is a pile of plastic toy trucks on the family’s couch.
Emur was killed by Johnny Gonzalez, 61, who claims the boy rode into his blind spot as he was approaching the corner of Bay 25 Street and Benson Avenue in Bath Beach.

The family was too distressed to talk Friday morning, but a family friend remembered little Emur’s positive spirit and upbeat attitude.
“He’s a very nice boy. Anytime he smile, he was very happy, he was a happy boy. Every time they go shopping and the park together, as the whole family,” said Tulkin Ergasrev.

“The father is crying and not talking about this.”
He said Emur also had a baby sister.
The driver told The Post late Thursday following his release from the 62nd Precinct that he didn’t even realize he’d mowed down Emur until the boy’s mother, 25-year-old Nigora Khabibova, ran to his van and started banging on the window, howling in agony.
She cradled her lifeless son until EMS arrived and took him away.