US News

Watch Julian Assange fumble with a skateboard inside Ecuadorian embassy

Julian Assange can’t hack a simple skateboard roll.

Security footage obtained by El Pais shows the 47-year-old WikiLeaks founder stumbling around on a board inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London while taking refuge there.

In the video, a pale and disheveled Assange attempts to move forward on the skateboard in bare feet, a tank top and shorts — but loses his balance and falls off. After getting back on, he finally succeeds in cruising a couple of feet.

It’s unclear when the footage was taken, but El Pais reported that it came from the Spanish security firm Undercover Global S.L, tasked with protecting Assange until 2017.

Assange had been in the embassy since 2012, dodging computer-hacking allegations, before being arrested and tossed last week.

During his seven-year stint there, the Australian-born hacker also reportedly smeared poop on walls, went days without washing or changing his clothes, left dirty dishes out and blasted loud music.

He was hauled out of the embassy Thursday and indicted on the hacking charges.

Before his asylum was revoked, the editor in chief of WikiLeaks claimed that his organization uncovered a spying operation inside the embassy. Kristinn Hrafnsson said photos, documents video and audio recordings chronicling Assange’s every step in the embassy were sent to WikiLeaks by “Spanish individuals.” El Pais reported that this operation took place after Undercover Global was no longer in charge of security.

Assange would reportedly turn on the faucet and let the water run to avoid being heard on tape.