US News

AOC disses Jamie Dimon after Green New Deal criticism

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fired back at JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Wednesday after he criticized the Green New Deal — asking why no top bankers were busted following the 2008 economic collapse when fare beaters she represents can wind up behind bars.

“I represent kids that go to jail for jumping a turnstile because they can’t afford a MetroCard,” Ocasio-Cortez told Dimon during a House Financial Services Committee hearing on the industry’s preparedness for another crisis.

“Do you think that more folks should have gone to jail for their role in a financial crisis that led to 7.8 million foreclosures in the 10 years between 2007 and 2016?”

In a tweet, she also mentioned Dimon’s role in JPMorgan’s 2013 settlement with the feds over allegations that the bank fraudulently described the quality of mortgages it sold to hapless investors who later lost their shirts.

“JP Morgan agreed to pay out *$13 billion* over its massive role in mortgage schemes w the ‘08 recession,” the New York lawmaker wrote. “They also finance major fossil fuel pipelines. It’s big money.”

“So maybe they *aren’t* the best authority on prioritizing economic wellbeing of everyday people & the planet,” she wrote.

Her comments came after Dimon trashed the Green New Deal in an interview Tuesday.

“I don’t spend much time worrying about things that I can’t effectuate. Can you focus on climate change in an intelligent way that doesn’t damage the economy? Yes, you can. It’s called CO2 emission taxes, or trading, there’s couple of ways to do it. So you better do it wisely because you could hurt the economy, which hurts everybody,” Dimon said during a CNN interview.