US News

Cory Booker getting smoked by Pete Buttigieg in fundraising

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker’s campaign revealed Sunday that the New Jersey Democrat raised $5 million in the two months since he announced his candidacy for president – $2 million less than South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Booker sent out an email to supporters Sunday sharing that when his Federal Election Report becomes public later this month the campaign will report having more than $6.1 million on hand. The note from Booker said that the number exceeded his fundraising goal for the first quarter of the campaign.

His press secretary Sabrina Singh tweeted that the average online contribution to the campaign has been $34 and 82 percent of donors had never given money to Booker’s previous campaigns.

The campaign has yet to disclose the number of individual donors. One of the ways Democratic candidates can get on the primary debate stage is to have 65,000 donors from 20 states, including at least 200 unique donors per state.

While the first quarter in fundraising ended March 31 candidates have until April 15 to file their reports with the FEC.

Candidates with strong numbers released their totals early.

That included Buttigieg, who was relatively unknown nationally until recently and who has not officially announced that he is running. Still, he has brought in $7.1 million. Sen. Bernie Sanders, running for president for the second time, raised $18.2 million, the most of any Democratic candidate. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) earned $12 million and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke raised $9.1 million.

The only Democrat who’s reported and earned less money than Booker is entrepreneur Andrew Yang, who earned $1.7 million from 80,000 donors.