US News

Crazy video shows woman saving snake trapped in Bud Light can

Happy hour it was not.

A Florida woman saved a snake whose head became lodged inside a beer can in a daring rescue, Fox 13 Tampa Bay reported.

Rosa Fond spotted the reptile on the road in Brooksville and sprung to action.

“I had no choice,” Fond told The Post. “If I didn’t it was was going to die.”

Her heroics — which she recorded and posted on Facebook — initially shows Fond freaking out, but she eventually gains her composure.

“She was enjoying her Bud light,” she wrote on the post, describing the serpent’s unfortunate predicament.

At first, Fond poked the snake with a stick to make sure it was alive, but this only agitated the animal, causing it to flail its body violently.

“Well you’re stuck!” Fond says in the video. “What do you want me to do?”

Before pulling the snake from the can of Bud, Fond was afraid it would bite her.

“You better thank me for the rest of your life,” she said after freeing the serpent.

This isn’t the first wild animal that Fond has rescued — other critters include mice, roaches and even an alligator stuck in the road. “I respect all life,” she told The Post.

Rosa Fond's dogs
Rosa Fond’s dogsRosa Fond

Since the incident, Fond has earned the nicknames “snake whisper” and “Pocahontas” from her friends, thanks to her prowess around animals.

“You’ll never see an animal not come to me,” she said.

Fond — whose philanthropic mindset is influenced by her father — said she wants to improve the relationship between people and animals. Her self-founded non-profit, Humans and Animals United, supports this philosophy.

She currently has three dogs — two rottweilers and a rescue beagle.

“We need to take the time to see how animals live without judging them,” she told The Post. “They are not causing issues to the planet like we are. We could learn from them.

“Compassion is gone, empathy is gone. Once we have them, it’ll be a new world to see.”