
Trump rages against SNL — despite it being a rerun

WASHINGTON – He’s still not laughing.

President Trump went after “Saturday Night Live” Sunday morning after the show aired a rerun of an episode from last year.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & Over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump wrote. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows ……”

Trump then suggested that the Federal Election Commission or Federal Communications Commission “look into this.”

“There must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia! Such one sided media coverage, most of it Fake News,” he went on. “Hard to believe I won and am winning. Approval Rating 52%, 93% with Republicans. Sorry!”

He concluded the two tweets with the “MAGA” – or Make America Great Again – hashtag.

The episode that annoyed the president featured Alec Baldwin as Trump and Kenan Thompson as the angel Clarence in an “It’s a Wonderful Life” parody.

The skit shows Baldwin’s Trump what his life would have been like if Hillary Clinton would have won.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, played by Aidy Bryant, works in PR for “awesome” companies like Facebook, Ashley Madison and the Romaine Lettuce Association. Kate McKinnon’s Kellyanne Conway reports that she got her soul back from the devil after the campaign.

Alex Moffat’s Eric Trump – portrayed on the show as being mentally impaired – is able to figure out a Rubik’s cube.

Beck Bennett’s Mike Pence has become a gay deejay.

Cecily Strong’s Melania Trump is divorced, has lost her accent and has her own real estate empire.

While cast member Heidi Gardner plays Trump’s fourth wife “Hernia.”

The skit features a number of prominent cameos, with Ben Stiller resuming his role as Michael Cohen, Robert De Niro playing Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Matt Damon playing Brett Kavanaugh – who gifts Trump a calendar featuring beers.

In February, Trump tweeted about another SNL skit, which mocked his announcement of a national emergency declaration.

“Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into,” Trump wrote. “This is the real Collusion!”