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Ocasio-Cortez questions Michael Cohen on how Trump dodged taxes

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quizzed Michael Cohen on Wednesday about how President Trump participated in schemes to reduce his taxes — laying the groundwork for the panel to try to obtain Trump’s tax returns.

The freshman lawmaker brought up Trump’s public golf course in the Bronx, referring to a 2016 report in the Washington Post that claims $127 million in taxpayers’ funds were used in its construction but the president gets to keep the revenue, according to the terms of the deal.

“And this doesn’t seem to be the only time the president has benefited at the expense of the public,” she said at the House Oversight Committee.

Referencing another report, she said the president claimed in financial disclosure forms that the Trump National Golf Course in Jupiter, Fla., was worth more than $50 million.

But he reported to local tax officials that the course was worth no more than $5 million, she said.

“Mr. Cohen, do you know whether this specific report is accurate?” she asked of Trump’s longtime personal lawyer.

“It’s identical to what he did at the Trump National Golf Club at Briarcliff Manor,” Cohen replied.

“Was the president interested in reducing his local real estate bills?” Ocasio-Cortez continued.

Cohen said, “Yes.”

She also asked if Trump engaged in a tax scheme that involved undervaluing his parents’ real estate holdings by millions of dollars to reduce his and other family members’ tax bills, as outlined in a New York Times report last October.

Ocasio-Cortez asked Cohen how it could be determined that Trump took such actions – suggesting that the committee should try to obtain Trump’s federal and state taxes.

“I believe so,” Cohen acknowledged.

Trump has refused to release his tax returns, claiming they are under audit.