
Plane passenger finds snake in her suitcase

Talk about snakes on a plane!

A female passenger was horrified to find a python in her shoe during her 9,000 mile flight from Queensland, Australia to Glasgow, Scotland.

Moira Boxall discovered the spotted python in her suitcase when she arrived at her Glasgow home on Thursday. She said that the serpent had even started shedding during the 23-hour flight.

“I responded to a call from a woman who had just returned from a holiday in Australia who had found a small snake inside her shoe in her suitcase,” animal rescue officer Taylor Johnstone told CNN. “When I arrived, the snake had been contained by the caller, so I safely removed the snake from the property. Upon examination, the snake was found to be a spotted python which is not venomous.”

Thankfully, the snake is now in quarantine at a local animal rescue center, Johnstone said.

People have seen snakes on planes more often that you’d think. In January, a 43-year-old man was fined for sneaking onboard a boa constrictor in his pants at the Berlin-Schönefeld Airport. And in March 2017, passengers on a Ravn Alaska commuter discovered a 5-foot-long snake during their flight.