Weird But True

Citi Bike covered in barnacles surfaces on Upper West Side

No, Citi Bikes are NOT river compatible.

Rider Ted Geoghegan tweeted photos of a barnacle-covered bicycle that he found when he hustled over to the 73rd and Riverside dock to grab the last bike listed on the app.

“The Upper West Side is known as being impossible to get a Citi Bike, so I was excited to see one at the dock,” said Geoghegan, a 39-year-old horror filmmaker. “But no, I get there and it’s covered with barnacles.”

Geoghegan tweeted detailed photos of the gnarly-looking blue bike and alerted Citi Bike.

Citi Bike officials said that bike hadn’t been rented since September 2017, so it likely had a very long underwater adventure. They removed the bike as soon as Geoghegan alerted them, they said.