
Raccoons have invaded this Brooklyn subway station

Masked bandits are taking over a Brooklyn subway station.

A plague of furry raccoons has struck an L train station in Canarsie — prompting a state senator to demand the MTA wrangle the critters once and for all.

“Several of my constituents have mentioned seeing them in the station,” Sen. Roxanne Persaud (D-Canarsie) said at a transportation budget hearing Tuesday, as she asked officials to take action.

She later told the Post, “The problem has been going on for a while, but it has gotten worse due to the ongoing street and sewer construction.” Over the past few months, she’s received, “many complaints about the issue,” she said.

Five of the nocturnal troublemakers built a nest near the tracks at the East 105th Street train station, where they’ve been spotted — even during the daytime — nibbling trash and scampering across the rails.

The MTA has set up some traps and “relocated” some of the pesky varmints — but they keep coming back, Persaud said.

“There is the fear that children will be attacked,” she said. “This has not happened yet.”

Frustrated straphangers fear the critters — including possibly sick ones spotted in the daytime — might bite them.

“I’m scared of them. They’re cute but I’m scared of them,” said Margarita Rivera, 42.

Neighbor Nelson Lopez, 55, added that he’s seen the furballs wreaking havoc.

“There were a bunch of them. It was really bad,” he said. “There was a time when you couldn’t get off the train.”

Last month, officials set up traps to catch the animals without much luck, a station agent, who asked not to be named, told the Post.

“Police came and asked if we had seen them,” the station worker said.“They maybe caught one.”

Commuter Rudy Clement, 55, said it’s time to get rid of the raccoon family, which has been shacking up at the station for at least seven months.

“A lot of people are afraid that, one of these days, they will attack,” he said.