
Trump slams McCabe for planning ‘very illegal’ act against presidency

President Trump lashed out at former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe for his “many lies” and suggested McCabe and other top Justice Department officials acted illegally when they allegedly discussed using the 25th Amendment to oust Trump.

“Wow, so many lies by now disgraced acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe. He was fired for lying, and now his story gets even more deranged. He and Rod Rosenstein, who was hired by Jeff Sessions (another beauty), look like they were planning a very illegal act, and got caught,” Trump said in a series of tweets Monday.

“There is a lot of explaining to do to the millions of people who had just elected a president who they really like and who has done a great job for them with the Military, Vets, Economy and so much more. This was the illegal and treasonous ‘insurance policy’ in full action!,” the president said in another posting.

He also linked to an NBC News report from last week that revealed that the Senate Intelligence Committee that had been probing Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election did not find “any direct evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russia,” Trump wrote in a tweet, linking to the report.

Trump’s flurry of tweets came the morning after McCabe’s interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” aired.

In it, McCabe made a number of stunning claims, including that after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein raised the idea of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office.

Rosenstein, McCabe said, also offered to wear a wire when he was meeting with Trump in the White House to record conversations that could be used as grounds to remove him.

The Justice Department released a statement last Thursday when excerpts of McCabe’s interview were released rejecting his “recitation of events as inaccurate and factually incorrect.”

In March 2018, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who raised the president’s ire when he recused himself from the Russia investigation, fired McCabe because he “lacked candor” with investigators about the release of sensitive information to the media.