
Petty art dealer chiseled socialite wife out of $10M in real estate deals: suit

There’s hating your ex — and then there’s this guy.

An art dealer unloaded three multimillion-dollar Manhattan pads — for a total of $30 — just to keep his ex-wife from getting her hands on them, she claims in a new lawsuit.

Palm Beach socialite Gina DiSabatino, 42, is asking a judge to void the January spite transactions by her former husband, Frederic Bouin, 60.

“This action arises from a blatant, uncomplicated and outrageous, textbook case of fraudulent conveyance,” DiSabatino fumes in her Manhattan Supreme Court suit.

In December, DiSabatino won a $6.2 million divorce judgment in Florida, but just two days after she served Bouin with the papers, he transferred a Trump Tower apartment, a Central Park South pad and an East 93rd St. unit to a series of LLCs for just $10 apiece, records show.

“Defendants fraudulently transferred title to three parcels of real property in New York County, including a condo at Trump Tower valued in the millions of dollars, to three newly minted foreign LLCs for the total consideration of $30,” the suit says.

“The aforementioned real property transfers were made without fair consideration and without any legitimate business purpose.”

The properties are worth a combined $10 million, Manhattan broker Dolly Lenz told The Post.

DiSabatino claims Bouin, who is based in New York and Paris, made the sales for “the express purpose of defrauding [her] and frustrating her ability to recoup the monies awarded to her.”

She says the Florida divorce judge awarded her liens on Trump Tower and 106 CPS and blocked Bouin from selling or “encumbering” the three apartments.

Bouin’s attorney, Edward Feldman, insists “no restraints exist” on the investment properties because the liens ­haven’t been registered in New York and the Florida divorce isn’t final.

Feldman said he did, in fact, transfer the properties to an LLC his client controls, but did so for liability reasons.

“God forbid someone comes over and trips on a table and sues everyone in sight,” Feldman said.

He called DiSabatino’s suit “a bunch of bull.”

“It’s a typical matrimonial, people-at-each-other’s-throats type of thing,” he said.

Steven Sladkus, a Manhattan real-estate lawyer not involved in the case, said DiSabatino may be able to have Bouin punished by the Florida judge for violating a court order, but otherwise has little legal recourse in New York.

The parties are due in Manhattan court next week.