
FDNY paramedic promoted to captain despite failing recertification twice

An FDNY paramedic was promoted to captain last month despite failing her state recertification exam for the second time — and landing on a restricted list, The Post has learned.

Juliette Arroyo, 49 — Miss June on the women’s 2018 FDNY Calendar of Heroes — has served as a personal assistant and driver to EMS Chief James Booth since 2015.

Juliette Arroyo in the FDNY calendar.
Juliette Arroyo in the FDNY calendar.FDNY

Booth tapped Arroyo for the prestigious post.

An internal FDNY report ­obtained by The Post shows Arroyo was restricted, or barred from working as a paramedic, on Dec. 20. Her state certification expires on Feb. 28.

Yet on Jan. 23 she was sworn in with 22 other new EMS captains.

FDNY insiders called Arro­yo’s ascension a blatant case of favoritism.

“Nobody should be promoted when they’re on restriction,” one fumed. “She happened to be the chief’s aide, so you tell me why.”

More qualified lieutenants, including other women and minorities, were passed over, FDNY members said.

An EMT or paramedic is promoted to lieutenant based on their score on a civil service exam, but climbing to the rank of captain or above is based solely on recommendations by superior officers. This “subjective” system ignores merit, charges the EMS officers union in a federal lawsuit against the city.

EMS captains make a base salary of $75,000 — $7,000 a year more than the starting lieutenant’s base pay of $68,000.

The FDNY would not say whether Commissioner Daniel Nigro, who presided over the ceremony, was aware of ­Arroyo’s restriction.

FDNY Spokesman Frank Gribbon said Arroyo “met all criteria for promotion to captain” because her EMS certification has not yet expired.

But he added, “Going forward, the department will specifically require anyone being promoted to be certified at their highest previously attained EMS level.”

The FDNY featured Arroyo’s promotion on its Instagram page. “I am looking forward to getting a command and preparing our members for their future in this department,” she is quoted as saying.

But EMS Chief Booth did not assign Arroyo to lead an EMS command or station. She will continue to serve as his aide.

Booth declined to comment. Arroyo could not be reached.

Arroyo can provide basic first aid as a lower-level emergency medical technician but is forbidden to render advanced patient care, such as giving medications intravenously.

“She needs to pass her ALS [Advanced Life Support] recertification to maintain status as a captain,” Gribbon said.