US News

Theresa May wins approval to renegotiate Irish border agreement

British Prime Minister Theresa May scored a Brexit victory on Tuesday — winning approval from Parliament to renegotiate with the EU an Irish border agreement that is key to her plan to leave the union.

Under the proposal passed Tuesday, May will go back to Brussels to renegotiate the so-called “Irish backstop,” which would prevent the reintroduction of a hard border between EU-member Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland.

Brexit supporters were critical of the backstop, which May included in her first EU-backed deal, because they feared it would extend EU regulations to the UK.

On Tuesday, Parliament backed a proposal that called for the backstop to be replaced by “alternative arrangements.”

But May’s victory on Tuesday may be short lived.

The EU said in a statement that it would not amend the Brexit deal it struck with May, saying it is the “best and only way” to have an orderly Brexit.

With wires