US News

Ohio police department cancels all crime due to the cold weather

You have the right to remain inside.

The Kettering Police Department in Ohio announced on social media that it’s canceling all criminal activity on Wednesday due to frigid weather, with temperatures in the region around 5 degrees below zero.

While it’s too cold to be a crook outside, police said it’s nice and warm at the local jail should anyone decide to turn themselves in.

“ATTENTION! Due to the extremely frigid conditions, tomorrow Kettering Police Department is canceling ALL criminal activity. However, our jail is still open and is a balmy 72 degrees and would be a perfect time to turn yourself in for any warrants and/or any other criminal activity you may have committed,” the police department wrote on their Facebook page.

“Kettering Police Department is also offering free transportation for any who want to take advantage of this offer,” the post continued.

Since being published yesterday, the post has been shared thousands of time.

Criminals have yet to take police up on their offer, Joe Ferrell of the Kettering Police Department told The Post.