US News

Woman kicked off flight for rant about sitting between ‘two big pigs’

An unhinged woman was kicked off a recent United Airlines flight after going on a fat-shaming tirade about her two seatmates – calling the passengers on either side of her “two big pigs.”

“Oh my goodness! I don’t know how I’m going to do this for the next four hours!” the woman barks into her cellphone on the Las Vegas-to-Newark flight.

“This is just impossible ’cause they’re squishing me. Like, just unbelievable. At least they’ll keep me warm,” she fumes. “I can’t sit here because they’re both so big on left and right. I can’t even sit here.”

Norma Rodgers, an award-winning nurse from New Jersey sitting next to the obnoxious woman, captures her on video as she continues her rant.

“B—h, please! OK?” Rodgers finally says.

But the woman lashes back, “I can’t do this! I eat salad!”

An exasperated Rodgers turns to a flight attendant for help.

“Excuse me, can you find her another seat? Because I will not be verbally abused by this b—h or anybody else,” she says.

“I will not be verbally abused by anybody. I’m not tolerating it. I am not starting my new year off with this kind of negativity.”

The crew member asks the woman if she would like to wait in the rear so she could check to see if there was another seat available.

Other passengers then confront the furious flier.

“You should be ashamed of yourself, madam. What you’re doing is so terrible, you should be ashamed of yourself,” one says.

“I’m not politically correct,” the woman says. “Why don’t you try and sit between those two big pigs?”

As the woman disappears from view, Rodgers adds one parting shot: “B—h, kiss my fat a–!”

In a Facebook post about the incident that has been viewed almost 2.5 million times, Rodgers said airline workers eventually escorted the woman off the plane.

“I would like to say thank you to the flight attendants, supervisor and gate agent that handled the situation professionally and calmly,” she wrote.

“Thank you for addressing the issue immediately and not letting it escalate any further.”

United spokesman Robert Einhorn told The Post in a statement: “United flight attendants care about the safety and well-being of all of our customers which is why they acted quickly to find a different seat for the disruptive customer. When it became clear that this passenger’s behavior was likely to be problematic on this flight, she was provided alternate travel arrangements first thing the next morning.”

Rodgers, the former president of the New Jersey State Nurses Association, was honored in 2016 “for her advocacy with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to declare gun violence as a national health issue.”

She could not be reached for comment.