
NYC readies for ‘arctic blast’ as snowstorm approaches

A perfect storm of snow and sleet will make the Big Apple a wintry mess over the weekend — then turn it into an ice-skating rink when single-digit temperatures freeze it all.

Friday morning’s light dusting is only a preview of the larger storm on the way, which is expected to barrel into the region around 7 p.m. Saturday, Accuweather senior meteorologist Dan Pydynowski said.

“Saturday late evening into early Sunday, while we’re still seeing snow and sleet, there’s a period where it will be coming down pretty heavily, 3 to 6 inches,” Pydynowski told The Post on Friday.

Mother Nature’s mess could then turn into freezing rain, or even regular rain, as temperatures rise slightly by Sunday morning, he said.

“As the precipitation starts up tomorrow evening, it may fall to a bit below 30, and as the night goes on, temperatures will start to slowly creep up again,” Pydynowski said. “By daybreak Sunday morning, it will be at or above 32.”

But the above-freezing temps won’t last for long, the expert warned.

The mercury could plummet as low as 7 degrees in the city Sunday night into Monday morning.

“Any surfaces, especially secondary roads, sidewalks that people haven’t cleared up — things could start to freeze up pretty rapidly,” Pydynowski said. “Any kind of snow or slush or even wet areas could freeze over.”

Gusty winds — lasting most of the day Sunday and into Monday — will add an extra arctic blast, he said.

The temperature is only expected to hit a high of 16 degrees Monday. Things are expected to warm up slightly Tuesday — although only to the upper 20s.

The city should come out of its deep freeze Wednesday, when temps could hit 40 degrees. Rain is possible, Pydynowski said.