
Whoopi Goldberg still pissed over NYC bike lanes

Whoopi Goldberg and her co-hosts on “The View” reveled in The Post’s Page 1 coverage of her bike-lane takedown of Mayor de Blasio — as she raged about the matter for a second day.

Joy Behar kicked off the show by holding up the cover, which shows a skeptical-looking Goldberg and the headline “CAN OF WHOOP-ASS” — about Whoopi telling de Blasio that the 83 miles of bike lanes he has installed are “really pissing me off.”

“Now, if you’re going to do this, make it movable!” Goldberg groused on Thursday’s show about the concrete barriers along the lanes. “Let us be able to pick it up and move it so if there is, God forbid, an emergency, people can move around!”

She then huffed, “I have had it! If you want to go to the theater, leave the day before.”

Goldberg said a pal was the first to point out to her that the bike lanes were a nuisance, asking her, “Do you realize that if I had a heart attack on 34th Street, trying to get to the nearest hospital … could take a really long time?”

“People aren’t moving because there’s no place to go! Because you have meridians and you’ve got parking in the middle of the street!” Goldberg railed.

The day before, Goldberg, who lives in West Orange, NJ, had grilled fellow liberal de Blasio about whether he conducted any “feasibility” studies before plopping down bike lanes, which she said are dangerous because they clog traffic.

“Originally, I think the premise was … the mayor wanted less cars in the city, forgetting that many people who work in the city have to commute because the buses and the trains don’t always run, OK?” Goldberg said on Thursday’s show. “Now there’s bike lanes everywhere. You can’t make a turn, you can’t go anywhere. Traffic is really slow.

“He said there’s less cars on the road. Well, it seems like there’s less cars because they’re not moving!” she said, drawing laughter from the audience.

De Blasio admitted that he was taken aback by the blowup.

“I didn’t expect, in the context of a national show — we were talking about health care, a big issue that concerns everyone around the country — I actually didn’t expect it to get so local and so specific,” he said Wednesday at an unrelated press conference.

The mayor, who appeared on the ABC show to push his progressive agenda, said he wants to follow up with the comedian about her “valid concerns.”

“I think the world of Whoopi Goldberg. She’s a great New Yorker. She’s a tremendous New York personality,” de Blasio said. “She’s done a lot of good to help this city . . . I absolutely want to talk it through with her.”