
Family mourns boy who died from allergic reaction to smell of cooking fish

Family members said their last goodbyes Saturday to the tragic 11-year-old boy who died from an apparent allergic reaction to fumes from fish cooking in the family kitchen on New Year’s Day.

“Don’t leave me, don’t leave me!” Camron Jean-Pierre’s distraught father Steven cried out during the emotional service at Holy Family Catholic Church in Canarsie, his cousin Guy Pierre, said.

“He cried so bad,” the cousin continued. “He asked his son to come back — his son was his friend.”

The boy and his dad traveled from New Jersey to spend the holiday with Camron’s grandma in Brooklyn—but walked into her Canarsie home at the worst possible moment — right as she was preparing a cod dinner.

The fumes quickly overwhelmed the pre-teen, and he passed out.

Camron, who had a known allergy to fish, was given his portable nebulizer, but couldn’t catch a breath.

His dad desperately tried desperately to revive him, to no avail. Camron’s last words were “Daddy, I love you,” as he faded in and out of consciousness.

The boy’s grandmother, Rosemannie Jean, was inconsolable as she clutched Camron J white casket during the Saturday service.

“The way the kid passed — it hurt everybody,” the cousin said. “This is all they need now— support.”