
Trump: Ask Warren’s ‘psychiatrist’ if she can win White House

WASHINGTON — President Trump said Monday only Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s psychiatrist knows whether she can win the White House.

“I wish her well, I’d love to run against her,” the president said during a sit-down with Fox News hours after Warren announced she had formed an exploratory committee to run for president in 2020.

“She did very badly in proving that she was of Indian heritage. That didn’t work out too well. I think you have more than she does, and maybe I do too, and I have nothing. So we’ll see how she does.”

Asked if he thought Warren could win, the president responded: “Well, I don’t know, you’d have to ask her psychiatrist.”

He didn’t explain the comment.

Trump has trashed the Massachusetts Democrat repeatedly for claiming she has Native American blood and has nicknamed her “Pocahontas.”

Gearing up for a possible presidential run, Warren in October released a DNA analysis that said there was strong evidence she had a Native American ancestor.

Native American tribes denounced her move as exploitative and even supporters questioned why she was rekindling the controversy.