
Entrepreneurs reveal how to stay sane during a busy work season

Earlier this year, Tesla and SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk’s erratic behavior raised concerns about his fitness to lead. In an emotional interview, he said that working long hours to meet Tesla 3 production deadlines nearly caused him to miss his brother’s wedding and that he sometimes doesn’t leave the factory for three or four days at a time.

“This past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career,” he told the New York Times. “It was excruciating.”

Entrepreneurs prize hustle and work ethic, but this serves as a reminder that you can burn out. We asked local business owners about what hacks keep them sane and successful.

Switch it up

Diana Davis, photographer and graphic designer at Diana Davis Creative, says a change is as good as a rest.

“Try to constantly change your routine,” she says. “As a photographer and designer, sometimes I’m in front of my computer all day, but the next I may be running around the city shooting. This keeps me energized, intrigued and allows me to have a healthy balance so I don’t get bored or overwhelmed by one task.”

Carve out an inspiring space

Neil Alumkal, founder of Stuntman PR, suggests that your workplace is key.

“I am extremely sensitive to my environment, and I have to love where I work,” he says. “After years of wilting in fluorescent-cubicle land, when I spun off on my own, I was drawn to factory and loft spaces. Our agency has moved a couple times in its eight years, but each building has had very old, sturdy New York roots and architecture that makes me feel connected and inspired by the history of the city. When I leave for the evening, I always look up at the facade and feel re-energized. The moldings and columns around me literally keep me going. On some of my hardest days, after the staff has gone home, I look up at the Beaux Arts confections overhead and draw energy and strength.”

Create a solid morning routine

Young woman meditating
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Daniele Gates, founder of Yinsa ayurvedic skin care and yoga, is a morning person.

“I make my morning ritual a non-negotiable,” she says. “I’m up by 5 a.m. and have a regimented Japa meditation, yoga and writing practice that includes free-journaling and some more structured writing. Because I am doing so many things, I can get overwhelmed with ideas, emotions, physical and mental exhaustion. Having a specific morning routine allows me to address all of those things.”

Jennifer Baum, founder and president of Bullfrog + Baum, agrees. “I am up by 5:30 a.m. every morning,” she says. “I’ve had some quiet time to myself to think through the day ahead and cross some things off my list before I even get to the office. This way I start the day fresh and ready to go.”

Schedule every second

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Anneliese Gartner, founder of Apto Media, is a planner.

“I plan my upcoming week every Sunday, to the exact hour if I can,” she says. “It may sound crazy, but keeping to this strict schedule is the only way that I can keep my brain focused, stay productive and avoid that burnout.”

Set clear boundaries

Lauren Chiarello, founder of Chi Chi Life, is careful about what she agrees to.

“Before I say ‘yes’ to a new project or commitment, I ask myself: ‘What are my values?’ ” she says. “This allows me to mindfully say ‘no’ to good opportunities in order to make space for the great ones. With this time of reflection, my focus emerges razor-sharp.”

Lean on your tribe

Lisa Skye Hain, CEO/co-founder of Primary, a co-working space, suggests you surround yourself with positive people.

“Spend significantly less or no time with anyone bringing you down, especially while you are up to creating big things in the world,” she says. “Ask yourself, ‘Is this person draining me or generating for me?’ Surround yourself with people who support you in playing to your strengths, and share their strengths in turn.”

Rich Velazquez, the COO at Mile High Run Club, agrees.

“Look for those who share a passion for your mission statement and are seeking growth under your supervision,” he says. “This creates an opportunity for smart task delegation while also sharpening the skill set of the team. I get to maintain focus on the big picture while still having a hand in the daily progress. Long term, I build a team of highly skilled, efficient employees that I can trust to handle bigger projects and make decisions.”

Turn off your email

Emails list on a laptop screen
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Marco De Leon, co-CEO of Rip Van Wafels, says, “I limit email to a few blocked-off times in the calendar, usually for a half hour at a time, at 9 a.m., 2 p.m. and at the end of the day. I use a tool in Gmail to pause my inbox so I don’t get too tempted. On Sundays, I turn off email after 8 p.m. Now my days are structured around my main priorities instead of just in reactive mode.”

Take a real lunch break

It’s the ideal time to de-stress, says Daniel Menchini, president and CEO of U. Santini Moving and Storage.

“I try to make sure I take an hour for lunch just to get my energy back and take some time to focus on any personal things I may have pending,” he says. “When an hour lunch isn’t possible, I make sure I focus on my team. Do they have cold water on the trucks? Or I bring them sandwiches to make sure they are on point and can complete a move with positivity and energy.”

Julia Chebotar, a private chef and wellness coach, suggests at least one hour of “me time” per day to stay focused.

“Watch that Bravo show that you’re embarrassed to tell people you watch, or go to a workout class,” she says. “Just do something that helps you shut off your brain from your business.”

Don’t try to do it all

Rachel Gersten, co-creator and therapist at Viva Wellness, tries to focus on what’s urgent.

“I always try to remember the quote ‘You can do anything, but not everything’ and prioritize what really needs to get done,” she says. “It’s easy to view everything as something that has to get done ASAP, but often, only a few things actually have immediate deadlines. I take a step back and think about what is absolutely essential to get done in a day, and put those at the top of the list.”