US News

Utah implements nation’s strictest drunk-driving law

Just in time for New Year’s Eve, Utah is setting up the strictest DUI law in the country.

The state is lowering its limit on blood-alcohol content from 0.08 to 0.05 percent.

Most states, including New York, set the limit at 0.08 percent.

Utah’s mostly Mormon lawmakers embraced the change.

“The vast majority of people nationwide think that if a person has been drinking, they shouldn’t be driving,” said Republican Rep. Norm Thurston.

But businesses that sell alcohol railed against the new rule, even taking out a newspaper ad that said, “Utah: Come for vacation, leave on probation.”

“Other states proposing the 0.05 law, don’t just follow blindly in the footsteps of Utah,” said Jackson Shedelbower, a spokesman for the American Beverage Institute.

With Post wires