US News

Starbucks barista helps Army veteran by finding him a kidney

He’ll have a grande Frappuccino — and a new kidney.

An Army veteran from DuPont Wash., was able to get the kidney transplant he desperately needed thanks to the help of his local Starbucks barista, KIRO-TV reported this week.

Barista Nicole McNeil noticed one of her regular customers, Vince Villano, 41, seemed down one day in January 2017, so she sat down with him to chat.

Villano revealed that he suffered from a genetic disease that caused cysts to form on his kidneys, causing them to only function at four percent.

There’s no treatment or cure for polycystic kidney disease so Villano was facing a life on dialysis — unless he got a transplant.

The barista then told her husband Justin about Villano’s disease, and he decided to help.

“I said, ‘I’ve got a kidney, you know, we could do this. I think I’m willing to do that.’ It didn’t take long,” Justin McNeil said.

The men met and found out that they’re both vets who love hunting, fishing and camping — and they were a donor match.

Justin told the outlet that donating his kidney was a simple decision.

“It’s kind of a life-and-death thing. People get on this list and live out their life on this list, so it’s not really a question. You don’t get to second guess it,” he said.

The surgery took place on Wednesday — which was also Justin’s 36th birthday, according to the outlet.

“The doctors told [Nicole McNeil] the kidney Justin McNeil donated to Villano looks great, and a post-surgery ultrasound confirmed it is functioning well,” Starbucks said on their website.

The veteran said he’s grateful for the McNeils, who he now considers his second family.

“In general, having them as friends, family, I wouldn’t want it to not be this way,” Villano said. “I can’t imagine not having them in my life.”