US News

Another tsunami could make this rhino extinct

These rhinos are at risk.

An entire species of endangered rhinos could be wiped out if another tsunami hits the battered Indonesian park they call home, conservationists said.

The last 67 Javan rhinos on Earth reside in Ujung Kulon National Park — where tsunami waves hit the north coast on Dec. 22.

Luckily for the huge, horned creatures, they habitually hang on the park’s south side.

But experts told the BBC that the beasts might not be so fortunate the next time a tsunami hits.

“As there are no Javan rhinos in captivity anywhere in the world, should we lose this population, we’ve essentially lost the entire species,” said Nicola Loweth of the World Wildlife Fund.

The tsunami killed 430 people, including two park officials, and destroyed numerous buildings.

Javan rhinos, which once lived in northeast India and Southeast Asia, are considered the most threatened of all the rhino species in the world, the BBC said.