
Anger issues are just the beginning of Kevin Parker’s problems

State Sen. Kevin Parker is going to need a lot more than a quick course in anger management to get past his issues, which exploded into public view this week with his “Kill yourself” tweet to a Republican staffer.

After all, he’s already had to undergo a round of anger counselling after hitting a traffic agent in 2005. He was also convicted in 2010 after a fight with a Post photographer.

And then there’s his “I’m above the law” approach to his vehicle.

Parker (D-Brooklyn) was furious that GOP Senate aide Candace Giove (an ex-Postie) ID’d him as a parking-placard abuser. Worse, he kept attacking her even after his (first) apology.

Eagle-eyed Giove spotted his car parked in a bike lane — which is illegal even with a special-privileges placard. That prompted his furious tweet — but also more examination of his automotive excesses.

It turns out that not only did his car’s plate not match the registration sticker on his windshield — it also had an expired emissions inspection sticker.

Meanwhile, the senator recently called for a law that would deny gun permits to (among others) anyone found to have “threatened the safety of another person.”

Damage control: Parker says that he’ll take first lady Chirlane McCray’s advice to enroll in a Thrive NYC mental health course, and that he’s donated to the National Association for Mental Illness.

Another idea for the senator: Before writing any new laws, make sure that you’re obeying the ones already on the books.