US News

Saudis condemn US Senate for blaming Khashoggi murder on crown prince

Saudi Arabia on Monday condemned a US Senate resolution blaming Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, saying it was based on unsubstantiated claims and was an interference in the kingdom’s internal affairs.

“The kingdom categorically rejects any interference in its internal affairs, any and all accusations, in any manner, that disrespect its leadership … and any attempts to undermine its sovereignty or diminish its stature,” a foreign ministry statement said.

US senators on Thursday delivered a rare — but largely symbolic — rebuke to President Trump for his support of the 33-year-old crown prince, the country’s de facto leader, whom it blamed for the killing.

The lawmakers called on Riyadh to “ensure appropriate accountability” and also passed a separate measure calling for the end of American aid to the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

To become law, the votes would need to pass the House of Representatives, whose Republican leaders have blocked any legislation meant to denounce the Saudis.

Khashoggi, a royal insider-turned-critic of the crown prince, was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2.

Saudi officials have rejected accusations that the prince ordered a hit team to kill and dismember the Washington Post columnist.

After issuing shifting accounts, the kingdom said its investigations concluded that the crown prince’s aides had plotted to bring Khashoggi by force back to Saudi Arabia and that the rogue agents exceeded their authority and killed him.

Trump has been reluctant to condemn the prince, despite US intelligence officials concluding that the royal must have at least had knowledge of the plot.

The president instead has touted Saudi arms deals worth billions of dollars and has thanked Riyadh for lower oil prices.

In its statement, the Saudis said the Senate’s position will not affect the kingdom’s “leading role in the region,” its role in supporting the stability of international energy markets, its counterterrorism cooperation and its stand with the US in confronting Iran.

It “sends the wrong messages to all those who want to cause a rift in Saudi-US relationship,” the statement said.

Riyadh “hopes that it is not drawn into domestic political debates in the United States of America, to avoid any ramifications on the ties between the two countries that could have significant negative impacts on this important strategic relationship.”

With Post wires