
RFK bail recipient busted for stealing toys from donation box

She’s the jailbird who stole Christmas.

A career criminal who was bailed out by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights charity allegedly broke into a state assemblyman’s Bronx office, got stoned — and stole toys from a donation box for needy kids, The Post has learned.

Tamika West raided Jeff Dinowitz’s Kingsbridge Avenue headquarters on Dec. 4 by climbing into a window, according to an indictment.

Inside, she kindled a festive mood by lighting up a crack pipe — then swiped a bag and loaded it with office items, wallets and gifts for the needy that Dinowitz’s staff had been collecting for a toy drive, according to the indictment and the assemblyman.

“The toys particularly hit home, because my staff used their own money to buy them,” said Dinowitz, a bail-reform advocate who chairs the Assembly’s Judiciary Committee.

West also swiped a $500 check from the pol’s campaign checkbook and signed it over to herself, the indictment charged.

Jeffrey Dinowitz
Jeffrey DinowitzTomas E. Gaston

Dinowitz’s office believes West had an accomplice or was leaving and returning to stash things that she stole, because some of the items were never recovered.

Other items, including a staffer’s digital camera, were found stashed in a bag in the office bathroom.

The 44-year-old West — who has 27 arrests for drugs, burglary and prostitution since 2008 alone — was awaiting trial on Rikers Island for a Brooklyn burglary and drug-possession case when the RFK Human Rights foundation paid $750 to free her on Oct. 3 as part of their controversial mass-bailout program.

West has been on the lam since Oct. 23, when a Brooklyn judge ordered a bench warrant for her arrest because she didn’t bother to show up to court after the nonprofit sprung her.

The group bailed more than 100 women and teens despite their charges to prove that “the system is unfair and targets people of color and people living in poverty,” leader Kerry Kennedy told the New York Times in November.

Kennedy’s late father and the charity’s namesake, slain Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, must be rolling in his grave, one law-enforcement source said.

“While he was a great social-justice advocate, he never compromised the security of our nation’s communities in the interest of a political campaign. It’s shocking that a social-justice advocacy group would compromise public safety and completely disregard the victims of these criminals,” the source said.

“Obviously this woman should not be out on the street, and it is more obvious that RFK should investigate a lot more thoroughly who they bail out,” a police source griped.

The foundation did not respond to a request for comment.

West tried to flee out a back door when cops busted her at Dinowitz’s office, and charged her with burglary, criminal trespass, attempted grand larceny, attempted petit larceny and possession of a controlled substance, according to the indictment.

Even Dinowitz, a liberal Democrat who wants Rikers closed and wants to end cash bail, said RFK went too far.

“They bailed out a person who was arrested several dozen times already,” he said. “She would not have been there but for them.”

Additional reporting by Stephanie Pagones and Larry Celona