
NYPD captain faces charges for showing up late to emergencies

He’s New York’s Finest slacker.

An NYPD captain is accused of blowing off emergency calls, using his department car for personal errands and failing to submit basic precinct paperwork “in a timely manner.”

In one instance, Brooklyn Capt. Steve Rubin, commanding officer of the 69th Precinct in Canarsie, never bothered to respond to an attempted prisoner escape, according to a slew of departmental charges against him.

“In general, he just doesn’t do his work, and other people, captains and above, have to pick up the slack,’’ a law-enforcement source grumbled Monday of Rubin.

“He comes in late a lot . . . He doesn’t do any paperwork. He just comes in, gets his check and goes home.”

Rubin, who has been with the NYPD for 28 years, will face an internal trial at One Police Plaza on Thursday and Friday, according to the department.

His alleged lazy behavior includes:

  • Failing to “promptly respond to major radio runs and unusual occurrences.’’
  • Not responding to “an incident involving an attempted escape of a prisoner.’’
  • Conducting “personal business’’ while on duty.
  • Using an NYPD vehicle for “non-department purposes.”
  • Failing to instruct underlings about a “new pilot program instituted by the Mayor’s Office during Election Day.”
  • Screwing up paperwork by failing to submit overtime and leave-of-absence reports “in a timely manner.”
  • Tooling around in his personal vehicle while it wasn’t registered.

“I can just tell you that he pleads not guilty to all,” Roy Richter, head of the Captains Endowment Association, told The Post on Monday.

“I’m a little surprised that the department is putting stuff out like that to dirty this guy up, when he’s looking to basically go to a hearing to contest those charges,’’ the union chief said.

Rubin’s lawyer did not respond to requests for comment.

A Police Department spokesman said in a statement, “This is an ongoing proceeding, and the department won’t comment on specifics due to the civil-service protections provided by law.

“All members of service are entitled to a fair process, which the department will ensure occurs, as it always does.”

The source said Rubin had previously “been bounced out of other precincts,’’ including in The Bronx, because of past issues with his work.

“He doesn’t hurt other cops — it affects other bosses,’’ the source said.

For example, Rubin showed up too late on Election Day to be able to properly instruct the troops on their duties, the source said.

“He just doesn’t do his job,’’ the source alleged.

An NYPD administrative judge will preside over Rubin’s departmental trial and could then recommend punishment, depending on his findings, to Police Commissioner James O’Neill. The commissioner does not have to follow the judge’s recommendation.

In this case, the captain is likely to face a loss of vacation days if found guilty of the allegations, since none of the reputed offenses seem to warrant firing, the law-enforcement source said.