US News

Missouri poacher sentenced to watch ‘Bambi’ as punishment for deer killing

He was sentenced to hard time — and a hard-to-watch Disney film.

A Missouri poacher who was convicted of illegally killing and beheading hundreds of deer has been ordered to watch “Bambi” every month while he’s behind bars, according to a new report.

David Berry Jr., 29, was sentenced to a year behind bars earlier this month for killing hundreds of deer over three years with members of his family — taking their heads as trophies and leaving the animals’ bodies behind to rot, officials told the Springfield News-Leader reports.

But to really drive the message home, he was also ordered to watch the 1942 animated Disney movie “Bambi” — including its heart-wrenching scene where a hunter shoots the titular fawn’s mother — once a month while he serves his time, according to the paper.

Berry’s first screening must be on or before Dec. 23.

He was arrested alongside several other members of his family in what the state says is one of its largest-ever poaching cases.

“Conservation investigators estimated that the group was responsible for killing hundreds of deer over a three-year period,” said Lawrence County Prosecuting Attorney Don Trotter in a release.

“The deer were trophy bucks taken illegally, mostly at night, for their heads, leaving the bodies of the deer to waste.”