John Crudele

John Crudele


Is China playing Trump in the trade negotiations?

It’s called “pretend and extend” by people who watched decades ago the negotiations taking place between the Japanese and the US.

Now, some people are wondering if that’s what the Chinese are doing to Trump in the two countries’ trade talks.

Stock prices fell Monday — a typical reaction to news of progress in the talks. That news came in the form of a Wall Street Journal story that said Beijing is planning to change a policy called Made in China 2025 to be more accommodative to foreign goods.

2025! That’s one, two, three … more than six years away. More importantly, it’s the first year that Trump won’t be president — if he wins re-election.

Are the Chinese playing “pretend and extend?” Is Trump being snookered? Is the stock market losing its mind?

Stocks keeps falling and the experts are worried. December is supposed to be a rally month as professional money managers rig the market so they look better to clients at the end of the year.

But what’s the most ominous sign for the market? The fact that people I’ve known for a long time are standing around at Christmas parties discussing how Wall Street is killing their 401(k)s. If average people get frightened and start selling stocks, this is going to be ugly.