
Yankees president shoots down report he could be Trump’s next chief of staff

Yankees president Randy Levine shot down a report Monday that he’s being traded to the White House.

MSNBC reported Monday morning that Levine is considered a “wild card” pick to replace outgoing Chief of Staff John Kelly after his expected successor, Nick Ayers, declined the job over the weekend.

But a couple of hours later, Levine issued a statement saying he’s not interested in the job.

“No one spoke to me about the White House chief of staff job. I respect the president but I’m happy being president of the Yankees,” Levine said.

Meanwhile, Rep, Mark Meadows (R-NC), chair of the conservative Freedom Caucus, issued a statement saying he’d serve if asked.

“Serving as Chief of Staff would be an incredible honor. The President has a long list of qualified candidates and I know he’ll make the best selection for his administration and for the country,” Meadows said.

Meadows has been a staunch defender of the president in the Russia probe as a member of the House Oversight Committee and has a sense of what Democrats will try to throw at Trump when they control the House next year.

With Ayers suddenly out of the picture, Trump now will be vetting candidates for his third chief of staff.

Others in contention include David Bossie, Trump’s former deputy campaign manager, head of Citizens United and author of the book “Let Trump Be Trump.”

Bossie also has Hill experience as chief investigator at the House Oversight Committee that unearthed dirt on then-President Bill Clinton.

Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, a former congressman, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are also believed to be under consideration.

The next chief of staff will take on two timely roles – position Trump’s presidential agenda with his 2020 reelection campaign and play defense as Democrats start investigating the Trump administration.