UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture’s sex tape leaks online

A sex tape involving UFC legend Randy Couture has leaked online.

In the video, Couture holds a camera in one hand and pleasures himself with his other. No one else appears in the video, which is being featured on popular porn-tube sites, according to MMAWeekly.

In the video, Couture’s distinct rib tattoo is distinguishable.

Couture, 55, retired from the UFC in 2011 and was the fourth person inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame. During his over decade-long career, “The Natural” earned a 19-11 record and won both the light heavyweight and heavyweight belts. He also competed in 16 championship fights.

After getting out of the fight game, Couture successfully transitioned to Hollywood where he starred in the first three installments of the “Expendables” series alongside Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.