
Judge suspicious of Seagram heiress paying for Nxivm pals’ defense

A judge has ruled he will further investigate a Nxivm defense fund that prosecutors claim was set up by Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman to keep her fellow cult members in line.

Brooklyn federal court Judge Nicholas Garaufis Thursday said he would order a series of hearings to determine whether or not the irrevocable trust — whose primary donor is allegedly Bronfman — created any conflicts of interest.

Garaufis said he wanted to probe if the trust “might create some sort of unwanted influence” and force a defendant to choose between defending themselves or remaining loyal to Nxivm.

The trust has been used to pay for legal counsel for Bronfman’s co-defendants — including alleged sex cult leader Keith Raniere and his right hand, former “Smallville” actress Allison Mack — as well as other Nxivm members, who are variously charged with sex trafficking, conspiracy to commit forced labor, money laundering and other counts.

Prosecutors Monday filed a motion requesting the investigative hearings, saying they’d learned that a grand jury witness whose lawyer had been paid through the fund was advised to plead the fifth — or get another lawyer.

In court Thursday, Raniere’s lawyer Marc Agniflio said “there’s no mystery here,” but admitted he didn’t know who all the contributors to the defense fund were.

His office Wednesday claimed prosecutors have known about the trust for at least six months and are only griping about it now because no one has pleaded guilty yet.

Dates have not been set for the investigative hearings.

Later Thursday, Garaufis also denied Raniere’s second motion for bond — saying he still considered him a flight risk.

Bronfman remains out on a whopping $100 million bond and is subject to home detention, while Mack is out on $5 million bond and living with her parents in California.

The trial is scheduled to begin March 18.