
Upstate Democrat barred from DC orientation events while ballots are counted

WASHINGTON — Republicans seem to have it in for Nate McMurray, the Democrat who nearly toppled Rep. Chris Collins in the reddest congressional district in New York.

Collins is about 3,000 votes ahead in the Buffalo area district, but the race hasn’t been called because paper ballots are still being counted.

McMurray, like other candidates from around the nation in similar situations, came to DC for freshman orientation in case he ends up being the winner.

But the GOP — which still controls the House — blocked him from participating in a freshman class photo and other events, McMurray said.

“The Republican leadership told me I’m not allowed,” McMurray told The Post. “I was supposed to be part of it, but … there’s been opposition.”

House Democrats say the GOP’s treatment of McMurray has been unique and are calling on Republicans to back off.

“Nate McMurray, a candidate in New York’s 27th District, should be invited to New Member Orientation so he can be ready to get to work for the people of his district,” said Peter Whippy, a Democratic spokesman.

“Absent that invitation, the Committee Democrats will guarantee that Mr. McMurray will receive all the information, training and support he needs to be ready to get to work on the first day of the next Congress.”

At least 87 new members of Congress and nine others in undecided races were invited to the freshman orientation, according to the tally provided by the House Administration Committee, which runs the events for new members.

While McMurray was excluded, fellow Democrat Anthony Brindisi, whose race is still underway against GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney in upstate New York, was allowed to participate.

So was Democrat Andy Kim, who was front row center for the class photo Wednesday morning outside the Capitol, despite his race not yet being called against Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ). Later Wednesday, Kim was declared the winner.

And Democrat Katie Porter, who holds a slim lead over California GOP Rep. Mimi Walters, is participating in orientation and stood out in a bright pink blazer in the class photo.

Courtney Parella, a spokeswoman for Republican-led House Administration Committee, said Wednesday evening that McMurray has now been formally invited to participate the remainder of freshman orientation.

All new members and candidates in undecided races are invited to come to new member orientation. But since McMurray initially conceded to Collins, he fell off the invite list, she said.

“Because he conceded on Election Night, he did not receive an invitation to new member orientation,” Parella said. “Since he rescinded his concession, he will receive an invite, which we are extending to him. He was not purposely left off.”

McMurray initially acknowledged defeat, but within hours of Election Day he called for a recount.

“There’s no purposeful reason we left him off,” Parella said of McMurray’s exclusion. “It was not intentional. We simply left him off because of his concession.”