
Trump says he doesn’t know acting AG Matt Whitaker

President Trump said on Friday night that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was “chosen” by Jeff Sessions and Trump had “no social contact” with the lawman.

Trump made the statement about his replacement for ousted Attorney General Sessions amid reports that Whitaker was on the board of a patent company that was under investigation by the FBI for fraud.

“Matthew G. Whitaker is a highly respected former U.S. Attorney from Iowa,” Trump tweeted.

“He was chosen by Jeff Sessions to be his Chief of Staff. I did not know Mr. Whitaker. Likewise, as Chief, I did not know Mr. Whitaker except primarily as he traveled with A.G. Sessions. No social contact…”

Although the president could not vouch for him personally, he followed up the statement by support from people who apparently do “know” Whitaker and said he would do a great job.

“Mr. Whitaker is very highly thought of by @SenJoniErnst, Senator @ChuckGrassley, Ambassador @TerryBranstad, Leonard Leo of Federalist Society, and many more,” he wrote.

“I feel certain he will make an outstanding Acting Attorney General!”

Trump named Whitaker acting attorney general on Wednesday after Jeff Sessions resigned.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Federal investigators last year probed Miami patent company where Whitaker served as an advisory board member.

Whitaker allegedly played a role in trying to help the company silence critics by threatening legal action, the paper said.