
Passenger bullies NJ Transit conductor after train loses power

A bully upset about being stuck on a New Jersey Transit train with no power on Monday night mocked and verbally abused a conductor, causing other passengers to come to the employee’s rescue, a video shows.

The five-minute video, which was posted on YouTube, starts when the middle-aged commuter is in the midst of a rant at the conductor, screaming at her for “putting a finger up.”

“I am a customer and you are supposed to provide customer service, you don’t put your finger in my face,” said the sour-faced woman. “This is your job, lady. Do it. Get us off the train.

“You get paid whether the train moves or not. I’m not getting paid to sit here. I want to get off the train.”

The conductor, who identifies herself as Marisa, tries to calm the bully down.

“You’re upset, I get that,” Marisa says calmly. “We’re all pissed off here, every single one of us. We’re all stuck in the same situation.”

The tormentor then goes on to mock the conductor for the way she talks.

Other customers try to shout down the tyrant, some offering more constructive commentary than others.

“Why don’t you jump off the train, then?” one rider responds to the woman demanding to be let off the train.

“Interfering with the train crew is five years in jail,” another passenger says to the rude lady. “Do you think your abuse is going to make the situation better for anyone here? Why don’t you sit down like the rest of us and suck it up like we all are?”

NJ Transit officials said they back the way their train crew handled the hairy situation.

“NJ TRANSIT applauds this member of the train crew for remaining professional, calm and continuing to perform her job duties under difficult circumstances,” said a spokesperson. “We understand our customers’ frustrations and apologize for the experience on train 6279 Monday night.”