US News

Onlookers witness great white sharks feasting on dead whale

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Fishing boats off the East Coast recently encountered a rare sight: Two great whites feasting on a 50-foot dead whale.

The Virginian-Pilot reported Tuesday that the whale was bloated and floating about nine miles from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The fishermen said the whale was too decomposed to determine its species. They said one of the great whites was about 12 feet long.

Capt. Jonathan Carter said the sharks casually circled the whale and took bites out of it. He said the “big one even came out of the water once to get a bite. It was pretty cool to watch.”

It’s unlikely the sharks would have attacked such a large whale. The whale floated near a shipping channel leading to the Chesapeake Bay. It may have been struck by a propeller.