US News

League of Women voters will sponsor final gubernatorial debate

The League of Women voters is sponsoring the final debate in the governor’s race on Thursday night — but Gov. Cuomo won’t be there.

“The Governor will be spending the final days of the campaign speaking directly with voters and helping to elect Democrats up and down the ticket,” said Cuomo campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith in trying to explain his absence.

The other candidates — Republican Marc Molinaro, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, Libertarian Party candidate Larry Sharpe and independent Stephanie Miner –are all confirmed, said Jennifer Wilson, the League’s legislative director.

The debate is being hosted by the College of St. Rose in Albany at 6 p.m. It will be livestreamed, but not televised.

Cuomo debated Molinaro in a raucous affair on WCBS-TV on Oct. 23, but only after The Post put him on the front page in a chicken suit for four consecutive days.

Cuomo, a Democrat seeking a third term, is leading Molinaro by more than 20 points in the polls.