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Ibiza streets full of poop, dead rats after sewage system flood

Tourists in Ibiza have woken up to streets filled with poop, dead rats and sanitary towels after huge storms flooded the sewage system.

Tourists on the party island faced roads covered in feces and a bad smell lingering in the air after the heavy downpours.

People were forced to cover their noses and mouths and carefully dodge piles of excrement on pavements and roads in Ibiza Town as they faced the gruesome site.

Streets including the popular Ignasi Wallis Avenue and Isidoro Macabich were the worst affected, including the walkway in front of the city’s court building.

Locals blame a faulty sewage system that cannot handle human waste and claim there have been similar incidents even when there has not been heavy rain.

Photographs and videos depicting the smelly and unsightly mess have been posted on social media.

The torrential downpour also saw the waste pour into the water of the town’s port and nearby protected areas off the coast.

The bad weather led to flight delays as planes were forced to divert to airports on the Spanish mainland, including some from Stansted that landed in Alicante instead.

Storms forced 2,000 tourists to be relocated on Menorca after their hotels were left without electricity or water.