US News

Alleged mail bomber searched for ‘wife and kids’ of intended targets: feds

The Florida man accused of sending pipe bombs to high-profile Democrats included “shards of glass” in several of his packages — and did searches for the “wife and kids” of several of his intended targets, the feds said.

In a new court filing, Manhattan federal prosecutors said Cesar Sayoc “intended to maximize harm” to his mail targets by adding “shards of glass in several of the IEDs,” or improvised explosive devices, that he allegedly sent in the mail to people like former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Sayoc, 56, also did internet searches for the “wife and kids” of several of his targets, including former Attorney General Eric Holder, former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors made the revelation in an effort to keep Sayoc in prison ahead of a hearing Friday that could include a request for bail.

“There are no conditions that could adequately protect the public from the defendant and assure his appearance in Manhattan for trial,” prosecutors with Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman’s office said.

“The FBI’s analysis of the defendant’s IEDs is ongoing, but it is clear that they were dangerous,” they said. The improvised explosive devices contained “energetic material with explosive qualities,” they said.

“The defendant also placed shards of glass in several of the IEDs for the apparent purpose of maximizing harm to his intended victims through the detonation of the devices that he had mailed.”

Sayoc was arrested in Florida on Friday and is awaiting extradition to New York, where he will be tried on five counts, including illegally mailing explosives and threatening a president or a member of the president’s family.

If convicted, he faces up to 48 years in prison.

The investigation is still ongoing and other charges could be added, prosecutors said.