
Don’t be so quick to join that Mega Millions office pool

However contagious lottery fever may be, it’s best to keep it out of the workplace, experts recommend.

“I know it’s the way of the world and it’s good for camaraderie, but I don’t like office pools one bit,” said self-professed “Lottery Lawyer” Jason Kurland, who has advised various winners.

“If they’re not done correctly, they can end in litigation and really be a nightmare for everyone involved.”

Without properly firming up who’s playing and what numbers are involved, you could wind up like New Jersey construction worker Americo Lopes, whose five colleagues took him to court over a $24 million Mega Millions win in 2009.

The hardhat tried to claim that the jackpot was won on a personal ticket, but after a lengthy court battle, he had to cough up $20 million.

Kurland suggests common-sense precautions.

“You need to put something in writing that clearly shows what the numbers are for everyone,” said the lawyer, who also recommends organizers send around an email with photos of the tickets and the names of everyone playing.