Sam Darnold unplugged: ‘Get excited,’ Jets fans

Jets rookie QB Sam Darnold huddles with Post columnist Steve Serby for his first shot at some Q&A.

Q: What is your career goal?
A: For me, and I said this even before the draft, I think being with the same team for my whole career would be something that would be very special to me, because, especially at the quarterback position, that means that we won a lot of games (chuckle), hopefully Super Bowls, ’cause that’s the end goal. But it means that we won a lot of games and that we built a dynasty.

Q: So you want to win more than one Super Bowl.
A: Right now I’m focused on winning one (chuckle). But, hopefully, one day, yeah.

Q: Do you dream about holding the Lombardi Trophy?
A: Yeah, 100 percent. I think every kid who wants to play in the NFL has a dream of hoisting that Lombardi. It’s what we all strive for, and it’s the end goal for every team.

Q: How would you characterize your leadership style?
A: I think a lot of people that don’t know me would say that I lead by example, which I feel like I do. But at the same time, I’m someone who’s always been very up-front with people. I’m gonna get straight to the point. If something’s wrong, if there’s a problem, within the team, or with a guy’s certain route, or if they even have a problem with me, I’m gonna ask him: “Hey, what’s going on? What can I do better?” So, I don’t like to beat around the bush at all, I just love to get straight to the point.

Q: Years from now, what would you hope Jets fans say about you?
A: First of all that I was a good person. Very respectful when I was with the fans and with the media as well. But I think the biggest thing is that my teammates say that I was a really good dude, a good person and a great teammate that they loved to be around.

Q: What is your on-field mentality?
A: I’m a very competitive person, but at the same time, as a quarterback, you gotta be poised, you gotta be very poised and patient. I’m pretty loose and relaxed, but I’m also very competitive.

Q: What drives you?
A: (Pause) I would say just wanting to win. I think wanting to win drives me, but also wanting to win for my brothers, the people that I play with, my teammates who I spend so much time with.

Q: Why does Nelson Mandela mean so much to you?
A: Anyone who can sacrifice anything, who has the courage that a man like him has, to stand up for what he believes in, I think anyone like that deserves to be recognized and deserves to be loved by many people.

Q: From your Instagram: “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”
A: I posted that a while ago, too (smile). … First of all it’s a cheesy quote that I found. I think it was on Google Images or something. Just as a young kid, though, like kind of looking at stuff like that can sometimes inspire you. I would sometimes think about it during workouts in middle school or something, you know? At the time it meant a lot to me. … I just felt like posting that, I guess (chuckle).

Q: It applies even now, right?
A: No doubt, yeah, it definitely applies now. I don’t necessarily think about it as much as I did back then, but it’s definitely ingrained in me, and part of my mindset.

Q: If you could pick the brain of any quarterback in the history of the NFL, who would it be?
A: Peyton Manning. … Just the way that he was able to dissect defenses at such a high level. I’m sure a lot of people have said kind of the same thing, and they’re able to visualize him dissecting a defense at the line of scrimmage, which is unlike a lot of other quarterbacks. It would just be really cool to be able to sit down and talk with him about that kind of stuff.

Q: You’ve met him at the Manning Passing Academy and Gatorade National Player of the Year event. Did he give you any advice?

A: We talked for a few minutes, and he was just like, “Man, just stay patient with everything. Success will come in due time, just continue to work hard and stay patient.”

Q: Who is one cornerback in NFL history you’d like to test?
A: I’d have to say Deion Sanders. Maybe [Charles] Peanut Tillman. To not be able to watch Deion play and continue even as he wasn’t playing to hear the stories about him, I’d love to be able to just share the field with him, and hopefully complete some balls against him, but probably not go to his side as much as I would hope (chuckle).

Q: Are you more like your mom, Chris, or your dad, Mike?
A: I think there’s a mixed bag there. I’m a combination of both of ’em for sure, just because my dad and the way that he’s super calm has always kind of been a part of who I am. But I think my mom and her ability — and not that my dad doesn’t do this — but just my mom’s ability to kind of feel out a room and understand exactly who the people are in the room and kind of adapt to the environment in the room — whether it’s on the field, in a classroom going to class, or whether it’s in a social setting. I think my mom’s always been really good at that.

Q: A lion versus a grizzly bear, who wins?
A: We’ve actually debated this. This was a huge thing at SC [Southern Cal]. I’ve always said grizzly bear, just because of how big they are. But when you factor in the tenacity of a lion, it’s hard, you know. … I’d probably go grizzly bear still. Just the sheer power of ’em.

Q: Do you crack jokes in the huddle?
A: No. Always serious (laughs).

Q: Yeah you do.
A: During a game, if it’s a timeout or something, not necessarily trying to crack jokes, but if something happens, maybe. But during a game usually not. During practice, yeah.

Q: You might want to lighten them up and ask: Who wins between a lion and a grizzly bear?
A: Yeah, or they might think I’m super weird — if they don’t already (smile).

Q: How would you describe what you’re like in the huddle?
A: I’ve talked with Josh [McCown] and J.B. [offensive coordinator Jeremy Bates] about it. Like every single play, you want to call it as if it has a chance to score. And I think just having that demeanor in the huddle, but also being able to have kind of a sense of calmness to you is also really good. ’Cause some of the guys on past teams that I’ve had, and this team as well, there’s a lot of guys that, including myself, I get riled up, but at the same time I gotta calm myself down. So I think sometimes that relaxation and that calm kind of demeanor in the huddle can be really good for guys and kind of a reminder that hey, you know, gotta focus on my job and do what we need to on this play, and play it one play at a time.

Q: Why is playing Kobe Bryant 1-on-1 on your bucket list?
A: Maybe not playing 1-on-1, but maybe like a game of HORSE or something? I don’t know, I just always wanted to shoot around with Kobe. He was my favorite basketball player growing up.

Q: How about sitting next to Jack Nicholson at a Lakers game?
A: That is something that I would like to do, sit courtside there … maybe at a Knicks game one day too (chuckle).

Q: He’s not a Knicks fan though.
A: I know, but just courtside in general.

Q: Oh, you’ll be sitting courtside at a Knicks game.

A: Yeah, but I really look forward to one day hopefully sitting courtside next to Jack Nicholson at a Laker game, that’d be pretty cool.

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Q: Describe the “Extreme Ownership” book you read.
A: That’s a book written by a couple ex-Navy SEALS, and they just write about kind of their time in Iraq in fighting the war. And then they kind of take what they learned from the war and the lessons that they learned and apply ’em to sometimes businessmen or any type of leader. It’s a really cool book that I enjoyed a lot.

Q: Favorite mud football memories?
A: (Laugh) Just having a blast. Other than that, I think just getting dirty. We would play tackle football in the mud, and there’s nothing like it.

Q: Did you play quarterback?

A: Played quarterback, played some receiver. Obviously you know you gotta go both ways when you’re playing pickup football (smile), so that was always fun.

Q: Favorite Wiffle ball memories?
A: Playing at the Cassandras household over there in San Clemente [Calif.]. … My friend Lucas Cassandras who I grew up with, it’s the house that he grew up in, I would always go there, he had a perfect cul de sac for Wiffle ball. So that was an awesome time.

Q: Who are athletes in other sports you admire?
A: Justin Turner of the Dodgers. I’ve had opportunity to talk with him a couple of times, and he’s just a really good guy. He’s just a humble dude that when he started getting hot last year he remained the same, he was the same guy. And I think that’s kind of the guy that I aspire to be as an athlete.

Q: Describe Jets fans.
A: Amazing. I think Jets fans are some of the best fans in the world.

Q: Any favorite New York City things yet?
A: There’s a really good deli here in Madison [N.J.].

Q: C&J’s Deli?
A: C&J’s is awesome.

Q: It’s not New York City though.
A: I know. But I had to give them a little shoutout (smile). I think just the people in the city — and that might shock a lot of people that I even say that — but I feel like the people are amazing in the city. Just the energy and the vibe that’s always in the city. And just kind of the mutual respect that’s around the city is amazing.

Q: What’s it like being one of NYC’s most eligible bachelors?

A: (Smile) I don’t know if I have a comment for that question. But maybe another day, we’ll come back to.

Q: You still do meditation?
A: Not as seriously as I did in the offseason, ’cause I’m able to fall asleep a little bit easier (laugh).

Q: Three dinner guests?
A: Kobe Bryant, Joe Rogan, Nelson Mandela.

Q: Favorite movie?
A: “Shawshank Redemption.”

Q: Favorite actor?
A: Leonardo DiCaprio.

Q: Favorite actress?
A: Jennifer Aniston.

Q: Favorite meal?
A: Sushi.

Q: So how would you sum up what it’s like being Sam Darnold these days
A: (Chuckle). I don’t know, that’s a really good question. A lot of people would think it’s a lot of pressure, but it’s not. I have a really good friend group, so just imagine going to work doing what you love every single day, and being able to FaceTime my friends who are back home and my family, and they’re very loving and supportive of what I’m doing when I get home. And so I don’t think there’s a better life that I could live, so I’m just very grateful for the people that are around me and for the life that I live, and every single day it’s awesome to be able to go in there and watch film and play football and grind with my teammates, ’cause it’s what I love.

Q: Message to Jets fans.

A: For as long as I’m here, it’s gonna be fun. Get excited every game bring it, but it’s gonna be a fun ride.