US News

US diplomat found dead in his home in Madagascar

A US diplomat was found dead at his home in the capital of Madagascar last week — and authorities have a suspect in custody, officials revealed Monday.

Details on the cause of death and the identity of the suspect were not released.

“Diplomatic Security is collaborating with local Malagasy authorities on a joint investigation and a suspect is currently in custody,” said State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert.

She declined to identify the diplomat.

The AFP news service quoted Herilalatiana Andrianarisaona, the spokesman for the police in the island’s capital of Antananarivo, as saying that “after receiving a call from neighbors and private security guards, the gendarmerie night patrol found an American diplomat dead at his home.”

The the spokesman said that the suspect was “caught trying to jump the perimeter fence fleeing from the house.”

Security fears have reportedly risen on the Indian Ocean island as it has been rocked by several murders in the run up to the country elections in three months.

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