
MTA chairman has Twitter tantrum when faced with a transit nightmare himself

MTA Chairman Joe Lhota never seems all that upset about disrupting the subway commutes of millions of New Yorkers, but threaten to take away his fancy walkway, and he’s up in arms.

Lhota on Friday tweeted his disapproval of the city’s plan to close down the Brooklyn Heights promenade so it can repair the aging Brooklyn Queens Expressway — saying he won’t tolerate it happening in his well-heeled neighborhood.

“Close the Brooklyn Heights Promenade for 6 Years?” tweeted the chairman, who makes at least $2.7 million a year at his various high-paying gigs. “I always wondered what would turn me in a Community Organizer. This is it. NIMBY (and proud of it).”

Lhota lives on Pierrepont Street, just two blocks from the promenade.

The city plans to build a six-lane stretch of highway where the promenade is now so that it can reroute traffic while it replaces a series of decrepit cantilevers.

Officials said they will replace the promenade once work is done, but the walkway will have to be closed for about six years.

Lhota quickly deleted the tweet and then did not return calls for comment.